- We have many opportunities for participating in educational programs throughout the state and offer discounts for members on many of these.
- Annual Floral Design Retreat with numerous hands- on classes, design programs, and competitions. Network with wholesalers and fellow florists at our Annual Floral Design Retreat. ISFA Members receive a discount on this event!
- Illinois Certified Professional Florist Program
- Two day design Boot Camps and one night Floral Food and Fun programs
Networking and Marketing
- One of the greatest benefits of joining ISFA is the ability to network with fellow florists and vendors. You will truly make life-long friends that you can depend on this industry. We all need a shoulder to cry on after Valentine's Day, Right!
- A listing on our Find a Member Map. This listing will help your SEO on your own website as well.
- ISFA Member Window Decal. You can let customers know you are a proud member of our organization and truly value education in our field.
- Join the conversation on our Facebook page and ‘Illinois Floral Design Boot Camp Ready’ Facebook group
Make lifelong friends and colleagues that can help you grow your business. - Member Monday spotlight on ISFA Facebook page. Have your business (or yourself!) featured on our ISFA Facebook page. Have something exciting happening in your world? We'd love to hear all about it and share the good news for you!
Coupon Book
- Back in 2024! New and renewing members will receive a coupon book with discounts offered to active ISFA members for local wholesalers and national floral suppliers alike. There are over 20 participating vendors with great coupon savings! You can easily pay for your membership by using only one of these coupons!
Credit Card Processing
- We’ve partnered with Service First Processing to offer great discounts on credit card processing for your business. Available for active ISFA members only.
2024 Membership
2024 ISFA Active Membership
2024 ISFA Active Membership
An "active member" can be a retail shop (owner or designated employee), employees of a member, or an employee of a non-member shop, freelance floral designers, floral students, floral instructors, a retired florist, schools and universities, suppliers and growers serving the floral industry, including wire services. Active members have voting rights and can serve on the ISFA Board of Directors.
Our primary goal is to help your business grow and give you access to numerous forms of education. Connect with a variety of businesses that will help you succeed from growers, new suppliers, fellow florists, world renown designers and so much more. By becoming a member you can promote your products/services; secure new customers; tap into industry knowledge and research; and gain access to a global business community that values growing the floral industry responsibly.