Jackie Lacey & Derek Woodruff: Sustainable Design is more than Foam Free - Saturday
Jackie Lacey AAF, AIFD, PFCI, CFD
Sponsored By Bloomnet and Floriology
Derek Woodruff AAF, AIFD, CFD, CF, PFCI
Sponsored by Syndicate Sales
Saturday, March 9th
Sustainable Design is more than Foam Free
As more and more consumers look for a sustainable alternative to reduce their footprint, so too should the floral industry. With the need to transport by air, our industry must contribute in other ways to help become a more sustainable industry. It takes more than just saying you want to reduce waste or buy local. How can we help make these changes without driving up cost? What does buy local even mean? We will look at how to get off on the right foot to correcting the footprint that we leave behind. Join us for a demo on what sustainability is and where we begin. Then round out this great class by participating in a couple of hands-on projects that show a foam free alternative to design that supports your desire to recycle, repurpose, and reuse.