Profit First - Sunday
Carolyn Minutillo AIFD, EMC, PFCI
Sunday, March 12, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Sponsor: AIFD North Central Chapter
Getting to ‘Know your Numbers’ better by implementing the Profit First Approach
If you want to get a better handle on understanding where all your money should be going so bills are paid, you have a better paycheck and there’s profit at the end of the day- join Carolyn in this ‘Intro to Profit First’ class.
The goal of Profit First is to ‘Eradicate Entrepreneurial Poverty’ - because small business people are busy working in their business we sometimes overlook the details that help us to be a profitable business.
Carolyn is not only a shop owner and floral educator, she is in the process of being certified as a Profit First Professional. She already implements the Profit First approach in her own business - making a definite positive change in her bank account and paycheck. She will share how you can get started - The first step is coming to this class. Hope to see you there.